Central New York

Council for the Social Studies

CNY Council for the Social Studies
Fall Dinner Meeting
Monday, September 24, 2012
The Welch Allyn Room at Rosamond Gifford Zoo
One Conservation Place Syracuse, NY 13204

"Dissecting the Election...An Evening with Dr. Jeff Stonecash"

click here to become a member
click here to register for dinner
Many political pundits are calling this November's Election the most pivotal election since 1932's contest between herbert Hoover and Franklin Delano Roosevelt, with just as much at stake in the Congressional elections as well. Education is at a crossroads, our Economy is still on a roller coaster, our infrastructure is in crisis mode and it seems that there is unrest in many parts of the world. How will we Americans make our electoral choices in November? Dr. Jeff Stonecash has helped bring greater clarity and understanding to CNYCSS audiences many times in the past, and his presentations have always been among our most popular. As a member of the Politcal Science Department at SU's Maxwell School, his research encompasses politcal parties, their realignments and how those realignments are impacting our policy debates. His "take" on this year's political contest promises a rewarding and stimulating time for all.

Evening Events
5:30-6:00 Cocktails (Cash Bar)
6:00-7:00 Dinner Buffet
7:00-8:30 Brief Announcements and our Featured Program

Please send this form and check made out to CNYCSS to: Erica Martin, 2657 East Fayette Street, Syracuse, NY 13224
Email reservations may be sent to ekvmartin@gmail.com– please bring this form and check to the dinner meeting
Register and pre-pay using Paypal online @ cnycss.com

Price: $25.00 $40.00 (New or Renewal Membership)

Reservations Must Be Received by September 17th

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HOME PHONE:_______________________HOME EMAIL:__________________________________________________________
SCHOOL NAME:______________________________________________________________________ELEM/MIDDLE/HS/Other
SCHOOL ADDRESS:_________________________________________________________________________________________
SCHOOL PHONE:__________________________SCHOOL EMAIL:__________________________________________________
Please circle the information that applies.

Send newsletter to: Home School Will you need a certificate of attendance? Yes No

I am a: CNYCSS Member New Member Member requesting 1 year membership ($15.00)


We are trying a new date and day of the week this year! Please give feedback to Kate Gross or any other Board Member as to the slight change. It is our hope to see as many members as we can at these events! Pass this on to friends and colleagues!!!

CNYCSS is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. New York. 2657 East Fayette Street, Syracuse, NY 13224.

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