Central New York

Council for the Social Studies

Join Sean Kirst, author of 
"The Soul of Central New York" at the 

CNYCSS Spring Dinner and Awards

May 18, 2017-Traditions at the Links-5:30-8:30
Registration open  Please share with others

Evening Events

5:30-6:00 Cocktails (Cash Bar)

6:00-7:00 Dinner Buffet

7:00-8:30 CNYCSS Award Winners honored and our Featured Program


Register and pre-pay using Paypal online @ cnycss.com


Send this form and check made out to CNYCSS to: 

Carrie-Ann Ronalds, P.O. Box 81, Chittenango, NY 13037


Email reservations may be sent to caronalds@fanpastic.com

Price: $35.00 (Members) $50.00 (New or Renewal Membership)

Reservations must be received by May 6th

Name: ____________________________________________________________________________________

EMAIL: ____________________________________________________________________________________

School Name: _______________________________________________________________________________

Will you need a certificate of attendance? Yes/No

Please update your contact information online to receive all of your member benefits. 

CNYCSS is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. New York. 2657 East Fayette Street, Syracuse, NY 13224.

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